Apprendre anglais compétence linguistique: Les devoirs

Extrait du cours apprendre anglais compétence linguistique (Les devoirs)

1. Compétence linguistique
À faire par les inscrits dans toutes les séries au Baccalauréat
Complétez le texte suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit ou au plus-que-parfait
(simple ou en be +-ing) : (14 x 0,25 = 3,5 points)
Écrivez seulement les réponses sur votre copie mais dans l’ordre.
The first time Dunbar came to the village was back last summer. He had found a wounded woman by the river. She had a bad wound on the side of her head and since he (can, not) revive her he (decide) it (be) better to take her back to the village. At that time he (feel) very lonely. He (hear, not) from his commander for months and he no longer (know) what he (do) there. Previously, when the commander (offer) him to keep the outpost at the frontier he (see) it as an opportunity to be alone with his own thoughts.
However, soon the solitude of his life (become) inhuman and only the daily visit of the wolf (take) him away from madness. But, now that he (come) to know the Indians he (know) that he (belong) there, in the Prairie.
Traduisez les phrases suivantes en français.
1. Once the dust had settled, Dunbar could see that the warriors had prepared themselves for an attack.
2. The white man had dismounted and now stood still. The Indians decided that he must be a crazy man.
3. He could have left then but he didn’t move and waited knowing that death would come soon.
Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais. (4,5 points)
4. Comme il avançait vers eux, il vit l’un des guerriers qui s’était détaché des autres, venir vers lui.
5. Il avait dû croire qu’ils l’accueilleraient comme un ami.
6. Il se pouvait que ce fut son dernier jour.
2. Compréhension de texte
À réaliser par les inscrits en séries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) préparant un examen écrit.
Read the following text.
A New Kind of Warrior
When I got back to the reservation, my family wasn’t surprised to see me. They’d been expecting me back since the day I left for Seattle. There’s an old Indian poet who said that Indians can reside in the city, but they can never live there. That’s as *close to truth as any of us get. Mostly I watched television. For weeks I flipped through channels, searched for answers in the game shows and soap operas. My mother would circle the want ads in red and hand the paper to me.
“What are you going to do with the rest of your life?” she asked, “Don’t know, ”I said, and normally, for almost any other Indian in the country, that would have been a perfectly fine answer.
But I was special, a former college student, a smart kid. I was one of those Indians who was supposed to make it, to rise above the rest of the reservation like *a fucking eagle or something, I was the new kind of warrior.
For a few months, I didn’t even look at the ads my mother circled. I just left the newspaper where she had set it down. After a while though, I got tired of television and started to play basketball again. I’d been a good player in high school, nearly great, and almost played at the college I *attended for a couple of years. But I’d been too *out of shape from drinking and sadness to ever be good again. Still, I liked the way the ball felt in my hands and the way my feet felt inside my shoes.
At first I just *shot baskets by myself. It was selfish, and I also wanted to learn the game against anybody else. Since I’d been good before and embarrassed tribal members, I knew they would take revenge on me. Forget about the cowboys versus Indians business. The most intense competition on any reservation was Indians versus Indians.
A. Sherman, The Lone Ranger and Tonton Fistfight in Heaven, 1994
Vocabulary help:
close to the truth = proche de la vérité
fucking = un foutu (vulgaire)
an eagle = un aigle
to attend = fréquenter (un lieu)
to be out of shape = ne pas être en forme
to shoot baskets = faire des paniers au basket
Answer the following questions
a) General comprehension
1. What is the nature of the text? (1 point)
2. Fill in the blanks of the summary, taking words from the text. (5 points)
The narrator is a young ………………. who is returning to his ……………..after having resided in Seattle. At first he falls into apathy and only watches ………………without even reading the …………of the newspaper to find a job. However, he begins to practice ……………….again and gets ready to play with other Indians.
b) Back home
4. What was the narrator’s family reaction on his return? Where is an Indian’s real place, (quote to justify your answer) (3 points)
5. How do we see that at first he is depressed? (3 points)
6. How did his mother express her concern for him? (3 points)
c) A new kind of warrior
7. From the information in the text, say what characterised the narrator as a child and relate his life up to now. (2 points)
8. Explain the choice of the image of the eagle and the shocking juxtaposition of ‘fucking ’ and ‘eagle ’. (4 points)
9. Explain the notion ‘a new kind of warrior ’. (5 points)
d) The importance of sport
10. Explain the attraction of basketball for the narrator and the repercussion of his past victories. Why are sporting com-petitions so important for young people? Answer taking the example of the text and other examples that you know of.
Write up to 120 words. (10 points)
Comptez et indiquez le nombre de mots écrits.
3. Expression écrite
À réaliser par les inscrits en séries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) préparant un examen écrit.
Write “A New Kind of Warrior” from the mother’s point of view, using the first person narrative : she could see her boy come back, lazy and dejected. She thought of his childhood and wondered why. (250 mots)
Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez écrits. Répartition des points : 12/20 pour la langue et 8/20 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, idées, connaissances …)
4. Expression écrite
À réaliser par les inscrits en séries ES LV2 préparant un examen oral au Baccalauréat
Dans cette seconde séquence, vous avez fait vos présentations de textes en vue de l’examen oral seul(e). Rédigez par écrit une partie de l’exposé sur The Encounter et ensuite répondez par écrit à une question que pourrait poser un examinateur.
Presenting The Encounter
Début de l’exposé :
Part four goes from line 28 to line 43. I have called it ‘An Indian warrior’s initiative’ …. Continuez en rédigeant l’exposé, n’oubliez pas de mettre en avant le suspense et de faire des citations. (environ 250 mots) (12 + 12 = 24 points)
Question que pourrait vous poser l’examinateur (Concerning Talking God ) :
What did you learn about Indian beliefs and customs through this text? (environ 100 mots)
(6 + 6 = 12 points)
Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez écrits. Répartition des points : 18/36 pour la langue et 18/36 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, clarté, cohérence, idées, connaissances, originalité …)
5. Traduction
Seulement pour les inscrits en série L (LV1)
Translate the first paragraph into French.
Total sur 80 ramené sur 20 pour la série L.
Total sur 70 ramené sur 20 pour les candidats à l’écrit des séries ES et S (LV1) et L (LV2).
Total sur 50 ramené sur 20 pour les candidats de la série ES LV2.
N’oubliez pas d’envoyer la notice individuelle si vous ne l’avez pas jointe avec le 1 er devoir.


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Apprendre anglais compétence linguistique: Les devoirs (341.13 KB) (Cours PDF)
compétence linguistique

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