Semi-Supervised Learning approach for Case-Based Reasoning systems

Semi-Supervised Learning approach for Case-Based Reasoning systems Fundamentals of CBR Strongly influenced by cognitive science, the initial concept of CBR evolved from results of several conducted studies concerning the human brain[23]. CBR is found under different definitions in literature; it...

Award for best poster for a young researcher

CURRICULUM VITAE Award for best poster for a young researcher (younger than 35 years) in the category Atmospheric Aerosols on the Sixth Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC), Bologna, Italy, September 13-17, 1999; this award was...

Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Approach for VNF-FG Embedding

Enhanced Reinforcement Learning Approach for VNF-FG Embedding Related work  The need to dynamically deploy virtualized network services on-demand, through VNFFG embedding, is identified as the core technology of 5G networks. Therefore, this issue has been at the very center of...

Research context: project and innovation relation

Research challenges: In-between innovations and projects And as we were analyzing the innovation trends, benefits and challenges and those for the projects, we started to detect contradictions, but also similarities and complementarities all at the same time, which led us...

A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Faulkner’s Style and Stylization in his Major Works

The writer’s intention and the reader’s recognition of that intention establish the ground for an act of communication much claimed by Grice: “an essential feature of most human communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is the expression and recognition of intentions”...

Modelling system and approach of control

The quadrotor is classified as one of the most complex robotic systems due to the number of physical effects, forces and moments that affect its dynamics such as aerodynamic effects, gravity, gyroscopic effects, friction and moments of inertia (Samir Bouabdallah,...

Traditional project management research stream

Bombardier C Series The C Series was a product development project performed by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Bombardier. It was projected to be a quieter and lighter narrowbody commercial aircraft, consuming 20 % less fuel than its closest competitor...

Approaches for modeling safety critical systems

Approaches for modeling safety critical systems Many model-based approaches have been proposed recently to support the development of software in the context of safety-critical systems. Although our research problem is particularly aimed at airborne software and their development according to...

Capillary adhesion and friction –An approach with the AFM Circular Mode

Introduction Chapter 1. From Tribology to Nanotribology 1. Introduction to tribology – Macro and Microscopic approaches to the laws of friction 1.1. Laws of Amontons and Coulomb 1.2. Bowden and Tabor adhesion model 2. Contact mechanics – Single asperity contacts...

La capacité d’adaptation intrinsèque des systèmes irrigués communautaires

Renouveau d’un système irrigué communautaire suite au déverrouillage de l’accès aux eaux souterraines profondes How to integrate groundwater resources in a surface irrigation system  Integrating a new water resource in an existing surface irrigation system is not easy The elaboration...