ngx_lua overview

Support de cours ngx_lua overview, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques LUA en pdf.

ngx_lua motivation
Business logic built solely on Nginx C-modules?
● Developing Nginx C-modules is counter-productive
○ Hard to write, hard to maintain.
● Deploying Nginx C-modules is inflexible
○ Static-linking with Nginx main program, impossible to customization while deploying.
ngx_lua intro
Everyone loves scripting language.
ngx_lua let us writing business logic in Lua!
Why Lua?
● Small memory footprint
● Excellent execution performance
● Interruptible VM with built-in coroutine support
ngx_lua overview
ngx_lua implemented the proactor pattern:
● Business logic is written in natural linear order
● Process resource would not be wasted on blocking I/O waiting
● Gain high concurrency capability automatically


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