Project Scope Management

Project Scope Management

Overview Notes: • Scopemustbe defined, clearly,and formally approved before work starts. • Requirements are gathered from all the stakeholders. • “Goldplating a project” is not allowed: don’t exceed the customer’s expectation:do all the work and only the work included in the project plan. • Anychange to scope must be evaluated for its effect on time, cost, risk, qualityand customer satisfaction. • Ifyouare a seller, the requirements step is more about clarifying ratherthan determining product requirements.

Consideration ofAgile/Adaptive

Environments: • Agile methods purposefully build and review prototypesand release versions in order to refine therequirements. Asresult, scope is defined and redefined throughout theproject. 7 Overview Scope managementprocesses: The ScopeManagementProcesses Plan Scope Management DoneDuring Planning process group Collect Requirements Define Scope. Create WBS Validate Scope Control Scope.

Planning process group

Planning process group Planning process group Monitoring and controlling process group Monitoring and controlling process group 8 Plan ScopeManagement Plan Scope Management process • Isthe process of creating a scope management planthat documents how the project scope will be defined, validated, controlled.

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Plan Scope Management

Inputs, Tools & Techniques, and Outputs 10 Collect Requirements Collect Requirements process • Isthe process of determining, documenting and managingstakeholders needs and requirements to meetobjectives

Collect Requirements

Notes about requirements: • Requirements are what stakeholders need from a projector product, and should relate to solving problem or achieving objectives. • Highlevel Project and product requirements should havebeen defined in the Project charter

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