Influence of habitat disturbances on site fidelity of forest-dwelling caribou 

L'étude de la fidélité au site chez le caribou forestier (Rangifer tarandus caribou) L'écotype forestier du caribou des bois occupe de grands domaines vitaux et une bonne partie de son aire de répartition est soumise à une activité humaine intensive....

Relationships between stressful life events, psychological distress

Violence in Aboriginal communities  Some youth are more likely than others to be exposed to these stressful life events. One example is Aboriginal adolescents, of whom a large proportion live in a cultural minority setting generally characterized by poverty, violence...

Mechanisms controlling genetic and clonai structures across three cohorts

La variabilité génétique et clonale du tremble dans le temps Plusieurs facteurs peuvent influencer la diversité génétique des espèces à travers le temps. Ceux-ci incluent les forces de l' évolution comme la sélection naturelle, la mutation, et la dérive génétique...

Identifiability analysis of GR4J-Cemaneige parameters

Data and methods Study site and data Twelve tributary basins of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec were selected in this study (Fig. 1). The choice was based on the length of observed discharge data (> 20 years), the natural...

Des concentrations élevées de triglycérides chez des patients

Materials and Methods Patients Ten HoFH patients and five compound heterozygous patients with genetically defined LDLR mutations were included in this study. The HoFH patients were carriers of the W66G mutation in exon 3 (n=3),13 the >15-kb deletion at the...

Effect of snow cover on the vulnerability of lemmings to mammalian predators in the Canadian Arctic

Rapport de stage effect of snow cover on the vulnerability of lemmings to mammalian predators in the Canadian Arctic, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Materials and methods Study area The study was conducted on the south plain...

Le génotype du récepteur LDL

Formation le génotype du récepteur LDL, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Research letter In homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) caused by mutations in the LDL receptor (LDLR) gene, patients with two receptor-negative mutations have higher cholesterol concentrations and...