Network partitioning and pilot node selection

The origins of wide area voltage and reactive power control could be traced back to reactive power dispatch problem in which the reactive power resources are allocated throughout the network to minimize power loss while maintaining voltage of the buses...

Site characteristics and consumption file

Weather files One of the main input data used for the simulation of a PV system is the weather file containing the irradiance data. For calculation time reasons, the weather files used cover no more than one year, and give...

Transmission mode procedure and test parameters

Impact damage Impact damage is categorized into low-velocity impact damage (LVID) and high-velocity impact damage (HVID). The low-velocity impact is caused by quasi-static force, the higher limit of impactor velocity ranging from one to a few tens of ms−1 depending...

Literature review on MCDM methods application in SC

Literature review on MCDM methods application in SC  Over the last decade, a large number of research papers, certified courses, professional development programs and scientific conferences have addressed SCM, thereby attesting to its significance and importance. SCM is a multi-criteria...

Measures of competence and Dynamic Selection techniques

Measures of competence and Dynamic Selection techniques Classifier competence defines how much we trust an expert given a classification task (Cruz et al., 2018; Britto et al., 2014). The level of competence of each base classifier is measured taking into...

Reinforcement learning (RL)

Reinforcement learning (RL) Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning algorithm in which it originally inspired by behaviorist psychology. This inspiration comes from the fact that the agent or machine tries to automatically make suitable decisions in response to specific...

Generics in the java programming language

Generics in the java programming language, tutoriel language java document pdf. 1 Introduction 2 Defining Simple Generics 3 Generics and Subtyping 4 Wildcards 4.1 Bounded Wildcards 5 Generic Methods 6 Interoperating with Legacy Code 6.1 Using Legacy Code in Generic...

Power amplifier fundamentals

Power amplifiers (PAs) are critical parts of wireless communication systems such as satellite communications, radar, and mobile communications. However, because the power requirements of applications can be very different, the performance parameters must be made suitable for each type of...

Common expansion processes

Common expansion processes  The purpose of the tube expansion process is to close the gap between tube and tubesheet and to produce the contact pressure at the interface. By doing this, the flow stream from the primary to second circuit...

Modélisation d’une cellule PV

Modélisation d’une cellule PV Une cellule photovoltaïque idéale est présentée comme un générateur de courant électrique dont le comportement est équivalent à une source de courant shuntée par une diode.Dans ce modèle à « une seule diode », la résistance...