Protocole expérimental utilisé pour filmer le mouvement de nage

Living actinopterygian Dorsal and anal fins (Fig. 1 ) developmental sequences were obtained from embryojuvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Examined specimens range from 8 days pre-hatching to 100 days post hatching (dph). Larva-juvenile were reared in a swimming channel (see...

Historique des feux au nord du temiscamingue, quebec

Fire is a key process shaping forested ecosystems throughout Canada (Weber & Stocks 1998; Payette 1992; Heinselman 1981 ). These systems and their components (i.e. communities, individual species, and processes) are affected and have adapted to interaction with fire over...

Paludifica tion and management of forested peatlands in canada: a litera ture review

Definitions and terminology The characteristics of forest sites that are prone to paludification are not currently defined in the North American literature. In this review these sites are characterized by: 1) a cold, humid climate, soil physical and chemical properties...

Analyses of species distribution according to geomorphological shore types

Data collection The first step consisted in the establishment of a classification system of the shores based on several criteria that included form of the shoreline (bay, ledge), substratum, topography, and predominant geomorphological processes (erosion, sedimentation). This resulted in the...

Numerical Modelling of Stratified ABL Flow over Complex Terrain

Numerical Modelling of Stratified ABL Flow over Complex Terrain  With the electronics and computer revolution experienced since the mid-twentieth century, the field of high-performance CFD has been increasingly transformed into a demanding scientific discipline, in which researchers are devoted to...

Analysis of ceramic foams

Analysis of ceramic foams X-ray Computed Tomography (CT)  It is necessary to precisely determine the foam’s geometry to predict combustion processes in the medium and to develop numerical models based on experimental data. The structural irregularities of ceramic foams make...

Effect of snow cover on the vulnerability of lemmings to mammalian predators in the Canadian Arctic

Rapport de stage effect of snow cover on the vulnerability of lemmings to mammalian predators in the Canadian Arctic, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Materials and methods Study area The study was conducted on the south plain...

Steady-State Regional Flow Model

Cours numerical modelling, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Domain description The domain represented by the numerical model corresponds to a two-dimensional projection of the conceptual groundwater flow model presented in Section 2.4 and corresponds to the geologic...

Capillary adhesion and friction –An approach with the AFM Circular Mode

Introduction Chapter 1. From Tribology to Nanotribology 1. Introduction to tribology – Macro and Microscopic approaches to the laws of friction 1.1. Laws of Amontons and Coulomb 1.2. Bowden and Tabor adhesion model 2. Contact mechanics – Single asperity contacts...