Water consumption and different parameters

Water consumption and different parameters Creation of Input Scenarios To cover all possible scenarios, four scenarios are created based on the categories of factors mentioned in details in previous section of the thesis that are (table 5.1): Table 5.1: Scenarios...

Config.lua Parameters

Config.lua Parameters Game Setup FirstSceneClassName Possible Values "ClassName" Example: FirstSceneClassName = "GameScene"; "ClassName" is a string that defines the name of an Objective-C class which is the first scene that should be loaded. This class must be derived from a...

Mg-Ni-based systems for hydrogen storage 

Mg-Ni-based systems for hydrogen storage  Mg-Ni-based alloys are considered to be promising candidates for hydrogen storage applications because of their low cost, light weight and rich mineral resources, as well as high theoretical hydrogen storage capacity (assuming the formation of...

Development of Parameters of GMAW-P for the Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) of Aluminum Alloys

In recent decades, additive manufacturing techniques (AM), also referred to as 3D printing or rapid prototyping, have attracted the attention of various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and construction. AM is the process of manufacturing 3-D pieces by adding layerupon-layer...

Transmission mode procedure and test parameters

Impact damage Impact damage is categorized into low-velocity impact damage (LVID) and high-velocity impact damage (HVID). The low-velocity impact is caused by quasi-static force, the higher limit of impactor velocity ranging from one to a few tens of ms−1 depending...

Influence of feedstock parameters on the viscosity

Influence of feedstock parameters on the viscosity  This section presents the influence of feedstock parameters such as powder shape, powder size, binder type, solid loading, temperature, and shear rate on the viscosity of HPIM as well as LPIM feedstocks with...

Identifiability analysis of GR4J-Cemaneige parameters

Data and methods Study site and data Twelve tributary basins of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec were selected in this study (Fig. 1). The choice was based on the length of observed discharge data (> 20 years), the natural...

Transport Model Boundary Conditions and Parameters

Cours sensitivity analysis, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Groundwater Age Simulations In addition to using groundwater flownets, simulated mean groundwater ages can also be useful for interpreting flow systems. Groundwater age is defined as the time elapsed...

Cours et tutoriel Lua Config.lua Parameters

Extrait du cours et tutoriel Lua Config.lua Parameters What is config.lua ? The file config.lua is used to store all game configuration data. The primary purpose is to make the startup process of your iOS app data-driven. Most pre-existing parameters...

Cours OMG unified modeling language specification

Sommaire: Cours OMG unified modeling language specification Preface 0.1 About the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 0.2 About the Object Management Group (OMG) 0.3 About This Document 0.4 Compliance to the UML 0.5 Acknowledgements 0.6 References 1. UML Summary 1.1 Overview 1.2...