Les concentrations plasmatiques

Les concentrations plasmatiques de PCSK9 sont positivement associées au taux de production des lipoprotéines riches en triglycérides contenant l’apolipoprotéine B-48 chez les hommes Material and methods This study was a cross-sectional analysis of data from male subjects who participated in...

Miocene Shark and Batoid Fauna from Nosy Makamby

Miocene Shark and Batoid Fauna from Nosy Makamby Geology and Age Nosy Makamby (= Mahakamby) is a small (~1.6 km x 0.4 km) island SSW-NNE aligned offshore at broad of the delta of Mahavavy River, in northwest Madagascar, approximately 50...

Classification du neuroblastome

Classification du neuroblastome Neuroblastoma is the second solid tumor in children (8-10% children cancers in USA and Europe) with a median age at diagnosis of 2 years (1), (2). Neuroblastoma is responsible of almost 15% of childhood deaths by cancer...

Approche par IRM multiparamétrique pour le tronc cérébral

Approche par IRM multiparamétrique pour le tronc cérébral IMAGERIE DE DIFFUSION ET MALADIE DE PARKINSON  L'IRM par diffusion sensibilise le signal RM au déplacement des molécules d'eau. L'imagerie par tenseur de diffusion (DTI) est une méthode d'analyse de l’IRM de...

Transitioning to the ESXi Hypervisor Architecture

Transitioning to the ESXi Hypervisor Architecture – What Customers Need to Know AGENDA ESXi Convergence and ESXi Value Proposition Hardware Monitoring and System Management with ESXi Security and Deployment Options Command Line Interfaces Diagnostics and troubleshooting Answering common questions Resources...

SQL Server 2014 – Features Drilldown

SQL Server 2014 – Features Drilldown In-Memory for OLTP New high-performance, memory-optimized OLTP engine integrated into SQL Server and designed for modern hardware trends Integrated into SQL Server relational database Full ACID support Memory-optimized indexes (no B-trees or buffer pools)...

The diagnosis of anomalous appliances

Methodology The methodology of this dissertation is outlined in three common phases regarding Figure 1-5. Firstly, a comprehensive review is conducted to characterize the opportunities and challenges of ALMD studies in the literature. This examination aids in specifying the objectives...

Cycle de développement d’une application à base de composants

Notion de connecteur La notion de connecteur recouvre l’ensemble des moyens nécessaires pour assurer l’interaction entre les composants par la connexion des interfaces requises et offertes (Projet Accord, 2002). Un connecteur relie une interface requise d’un composant à une interface...

The normal determinants of heart rate: the autonomic nervous system

INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY: The electrocardiogram is used as a diagnostic test, as well as the clinician’s desire to determine cardiac abnormalities from the body surface potentials. As a rough framework [16], it is worth thinking of the heart as...

Apprendre à gérer son serveur web grâce à Windows Server

1.  Objectif de ce pas à pas 2.  Présentation de Internet Information Services (IIS) 3.  Installer Windows Web Server 2008 3.1.  Installation du système d’exploitation 3.2.  Activation de Windows 4.  Installer et configurer IIS 5.  Installation semi-automatisée de la plateforme...