Abnormal behavior detection

The various approaches proposed to detect abnormal behaviors can be roughly divided in three categories: approaches based on probabilistic models, non probabilistic models and those using trajectory patterns to find anomalies. Probabilistic Approaches In this category of approaches, a generative...

Music in Second Language Learning

For the purposes of this paper, ‘second language learning’ refers to the deliberate learning of second and subsequent languages after the initial subconscious acquisition of one’s first language (or languages in the case of bilinguals/multilinguals). The distinction is important because...

Ni-cd and Li-Ion general characteristics

The first objective of this project was to set up a bench test in order to recreate the complete flight conditions the battery would encounter in an aircraft. The second objective is the analysis of the performance of a nickel-cadmium...

Bacterial flagella grow through an injection-diffusion mechanism

Results Bicolor labeling A total of 381 bicolor filaments were recorded with the strain EM800 and were plotted with the green part in function of the orange part (Fig. 3.1A). Every points represents a orange filament with a green part...

Programming Language Extended Rexx

Configuration Any implementation of this standard will be functioning within a configuration. In practice, the boundary between what is implemented especially to support Rexx and what is provided by the system will vary from system to system. This clause describes...

Des concentrations élevées de triglycérides chez des patients

Materials and Methods Patients Ten HoFH patients and five compound heterozygous patients with genetically defined LDLR mutations were included in this study. The HoFH patients were carriers of the W66G mutation in exon 3 (n=3),13 the >15-kb deletion at the...

Les concentrations plasmatiques d’insuline et de glucose

Un rapport sur les concentrations plasmatiques d’insuline et de glucose, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Methods All authors had access to the study data and reviewed and approved the final manuscript. The present study is a cross-sectional...

Effect of snow cover on the vulnerability of lemmings to mammalian predators in the Canadian Arctic

Rapport de stage effect of snow cover on the vulnerability of lemmings to mammalian predators in the Canadian Arctic, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Materials and methods Study area The study was conducted on the south plain...

Comparaison de deux systèmes d’aphérèse des lipoprotéines

Formation comparaison de deux systèmes d’aphérèse des lipoprotéines, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Methods Population Nine HoFH subjects were recruited from a pool of patients being followed at the lipid clinic of the Laval University Medical Center...

Oberon Council Report 2008

Cours Oberon Council Report 2008, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. 2008 Oberon Council Elections Election of Councillors Oberon Council is an undivided council with nine councillors elected for a period of four years. At the 2008 Local...