A First Experiment with Structured Prediction : the WebNLG Challenge

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Approches Proposées Il est difficile d’exploiter les architectures de réseaux de neurones profonds pour cette tâche car le nombre de paramètres à entraîner nécessite une grande quantité de données et la verbalisation...

Data mining for diagnosis, monitoring, and prediction in wind power plants

In recent decades, renewable energy sources (RESs) have been the focal point of research among scholars due to their considerable advantages over conventional and fossil fuel-based power plants. Penetration of RESs has been increased substantially in power network in recent...

Variational Autoencoders with Gaussian Mixture Prior for Recommender Systems

In an era when more content is available electronically every day, it has become harder for consumers to find interesting media such as books, movies, TV shows, songs and textual information. The shear volume of information is overwhelming and provides...


In the past six decades, we have come a long way in the world of autonomous machines. Science fiction had placed robots in our homes in the year 2000. Even though we do not all own humanoid robots to help...

Energy-Aware Resource Allocation in Next Generation Wireless Networks: Application in Large-Scale MIMO Systems

The global mobile data traffic is growing exponentially due to the emergence of new wireless devices and applications. The mobile data traffic is various and composed of: video, web, games, VoIP, mobile to mobile and file sharing. Moreover, according to...

Mémoire Online: Nonlinear Systems with Hysteresis

Mémoire online identification of nonlinear systems in acoustics, tutoriel & rapport PDF. CHAPTER 1: Introduction Study of the behavior of physical systems usually begins with a basic modeling process. The demands on more detailed study of physical phenomena governing this...

Evaluation of a stochastic weather generator for long-term ensemble streamflow forecasts

Ensemble Prediction System An Ensemble Prediction System is a collection of two or more forecasts over the same future horizon. Ensemble Prediction Systems represent the probabilities and therefore uncertainties associated with a forecast. The main purpose of developing ESPs, in...

La dynamique de minéralisation de MOEx

Transformation des MOEx au sol La dynamique de minéralisation de MOEx Actuellement, les MOEx sont caractérisées au laboratoire par deux méthodes normalisées : (i) le fractionnement biochimique de la matière organique (norme XP U44-162) (AFNOR, 2009) qui permet d’estimer la...

Analyses des spectres 

Analyses des spectres  Scan des échantillons par NIRS et MIRS Les analyses des spectres ont été effectuées dans la région de proche infrarouge (NIRS) en utilisant un spectrophotomètre Foss NIRSystems 5000 (Silver Spring, MD, USA) et dans la région de...

Big Data Analytics Applications

Big Data Analytics Applications Social Media Command Center Last year, Blackberry faced a serious outage when its email servers were down for more than a day. I tried powering my Blackberry off and on because I wasn’t sure whether it...