Dynamiques de l’agrobiodiversité dans les paysages agroforestiers

Dynamiques de l’agrobiodiversité dans les paysages agroforestiers  Les réseaux relationnels pour étudier les modes d’accès des paysan.ne.s aux propagules et aux connaissances  La Partie III se compose du chapitre 7 qui porte sur l’accès des paysan.ne.s de Vohibary aux propagules...


SEASONAL TRANSLOCATION OF FOLIAR NITROGEN WITHIN BEECH TREES Introduction  From fifty years, drought periods and heat waves have increased in worldwide as a consequence of global climate change and this trend is expected to increase in the coming decades (Coumou...

Impacts of fire on Ibity’s herbaceous grassland plant community

Diagnostic of the Ibity New Protected Area Protected areas in Madagascar  The IUCN defines protected areas as “a clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with...

Forest stand inventory

Résumé Des différences de structure et de composition de la végétation sont généralement observées entre les étapes de succession après feu. Par conséquent, on s’attend à ce que ces changements affectent aussi les communautés d’oiseaux. Toutefois, on en connait très...

Disparition progressive des systèmes agroforestiers traditionnels et reconception d’une agroforesterie moderne

Une pratique remise au goût du jour : microfermes et agroforesterie en réponse à une forte demande sociétale Les vergers-maraichers, encore extrêmement rares au début de ce siècle, connaissent actuellement un fort engouement auprès des porteurs de projets (Figure A-2)....

Influence of habitat disturbances on site fidelity of forest-dwelling caribou 

L'étude de la fidélité au site chez le caribou forestier (Rangifer tarandus caribou) L'écotype forestier du caribou des bois occupe de grands domaines vitaux et une bonne partie de son aire de répartition est soumise à une activité humaine intensive....

Paludifica tion and management of forested peatlands in canada: a litera ture review

Definitions and terminology The characteristics of forest sites that are prone to paludification are not currently defined in the North American literature. In this review these sites are characterized by: 1) a cold, humid climate, soil physical and chemical properties...

Identification of wetland landscape types in forested regions: the case of boreal quebec, canada

IDENTIFICATION OF WETLAND LANDSCAPE TYPES IN FORESTED REGIONS: THE CASE OF BOREAL QUEBEC,CANADA Because of increasing pressures that have resulted from timber harvesting, mining, hydroelectric development, and ecotourism (World Resources Institute 2000; Anielsky and Wilson 2006), there is an urgent...

Ecology of mixedwood forest and successional pathways

 Ecology of mixedwood forest and successional pathways In natural forest landscapes, stand diversity occurs mainly as a result of three components: abiotic conditions (physical, environment, and climate), succession (dispersion, pre-disturbance composition), and disturbance regimes (fire, insect outbreak, harvesting, etc.) (Gauthier,...

Effects of spatial boreal forest harvesting practices on efficiency through a benchmarking approach in eastern canada

Spatial organization Forest management planning involves the integration of silvicultural treatments, economic concepts, and ecological and social objectives that are present in an ecosystem. Planning is done hierarchically from coarse to fine scales through space and time, divided into strategic,...