Relationships and correlations between plant-insect interaction and environmental factors

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Willershausen (Pliocene, -3.2 to -2.6 Ma) The famous Lagerstätten Willershausen (3.2 – 2.6 Ma; MN 16/17; Hilgen, 1991; Mai, 1995) is an ancient clay mine, now inactive and classified as a natural...

Environmental and climatic control of west nile virus transmission

First described in Uganda in 1937 (Smithburn 1940), West Nile virus (WNV) is responsible for infections in humans and horses, the virus has a transmission cycle involving mosquitoes as vectors and birds as amplifying hosts (Work et al. 1955, Taylor...

Influential environmental factors of lichen diversity on multiple scales in northwestern quebec 

Background to the Lichens Lichens are a complex symbiotic relationship. In its most basic form, this consists of a fungi (mycobiont) and an algae or cyanobacteria (photobiont). Once lichenized, the mycobiont provides a structure that protects the photobiont from desiccation,...

Influence of oxygen on macrobenthic community structure

Sampling gear and protocol M ac rofauna were collected from 193 station s in the Estuary and thc northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) during the an nuai summer gro undfish survey made by th c Canadi an Department of...

Evaluation de la qualité de l’eau d’un cours d’eau en milieu péri-urbain

Evaluation de la qualité de l’eau d’un cours d’eau en milieu péri-urbain Paramètres physico-chimiques et éléments nutritifs The biogeochemical behavior of small rivers that pass through suburban areas are difficult to understand because of the multi-origin inputs that can modify...


UNDERSTANDING FLOOD RISK AS A NATURAL HAZARD Considering many discussions from several authors within the last decades, we are going to consider one definition which addresses us to focus in ongoing context of natural hazards. In this way, the term...

Régénération naturelle de trois essences majeures des peuplements forestiers

Régénération naturelle de trois essences majeures des peuplements forestiers .INTRODUCTION Oak (Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl., Quercus robur L.), European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) are key European broadleaved species having distribution areas that largely overlap in...

Antimicrobial Activity of 23 Endemic Plants

Antimicrobial Activity of 23 Endemic Plants INTRODUCTION Madagascar is host to approximately 12,000 vegetable species, more than 80 % of which are endemic to the island [1]. Owing to environmental degradation, increasing deforestation, slash and burn agriculture in primary forest,...

Structure de l’écosystème planctonique : apport des données à haut débit de séquençage et d’imagerie

Structure de l’écosystème planctonique : apport des données à haut débit de séquençage et d’imagerie Structure globale de l’écosystème planctonique Préambule Dans l’introduction, la complexité des écosystèmes a été présentée. Ces écosystèmes sont composés de très nombreuses entités en interaction,...

Effets des changements de végétation dans les tourbières à sphaignes sur le cycle du carbone

Effets des changements de végétation dans les tourbières à sphaignes sur le cycle du carbone Litter decomposition in peatlands is promoted by mixed plants Fabien Leroy, Sébastien Gogo, Alexandre Buttler, Luca Bragazza, Fatima Laggoun-Défarge Article publié dans la revue Journal...