LUA Implementation coroutine scheduling

Introduction In this paper we document extensions to the Lua programming language to support time-based audiovisual composition. Significantly, these extensions enable the tight real-time integration of computation, time, sound and space, and follow a modus operandi of development going back...

Using Lua as Script Language in Games Coded in Java

Formation using Lua as Script Language in Games Coded in Java, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. THREE TIPS FOR GAME SCRIPTING US-ING LUAJAVA LuaJava is a scripting tool for Java. The goal of this tool is to...

Formation Scripting libdrizzle with Lua inside Nginx

Formation Scripting libdrizzle with Lua inside Nginx, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Télécharger le cours complet

A Procedural 3D Modelling and Animation System Based on Lua

Formation Lua, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Fugu The basis of modelling in Fugu is a Lua script that generates and manipu-lates 3D triangular meshes via discrete simulation. Lua is a powerful, e cient, lightweight scripting language,...

Lua Programming Gems

Formation EXCEL saisie des données, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Lua and Lightroom Mark Hamburg Founder, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom When we started work on the project that would become Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, we knew we wanted to...

Make your own M2M application in demi hour, with Lua

What’s M2M? M2M == Machine-to-Machine [communications] (The latest fashionable name for M2M is “IoT”, i.e. “Internet of Things”) M2M is networking for embedded devices, with some twists: • Hardware is disseminated over vast areas • Access primarily happens through GSM...

Using lua for audiovisual compostion

INTRODUCTION The contemporary digital artist can choose amongst  many software tools to express his or her idea. The Max family of applications (Max/MSP/Jitter [27], PureData [19], etc.) are popular choices for composing interactive digital media works because of the approachable...

Cours LUA coroutines in programming languages

1. Introduction The concept of a coroutine is one of the oldest proposals for a general control abstraction. It is attributed to Conway [Conway, 1963], who described coroutines as “subroutines who act as the master program”, and implemented this construct...

Embedding Lua in C Programs

1 The Programming Language Lua The Lua Interpreter Syntax and such Modules 2 Embedding Lua in C Programs State Manipulation Calling C from Lua Calling Lua from C 3 Lua in the NetBSD Kernel Use Cases Implementation Overview Implementation Details...

Optimising Lua

Chapter 1: Introduction Lua is an embeddable scripting language originally developed at Tecgraf, PUC-Rio in 1993 and now widely used in the interactive entertainment industry1 .Its main goals are to be simple, efficient, portable and lightweight. The objective of this...