MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL BACKGROUND A short survey of the mathematical and physical background of the thesis is presented in this appendix. The most important aspects are discussed and several references are given for each topic. It is thus intended as...

Nonlinear computational aeroelasticity

Aeroelasticity of aircraft wings is described by the mutual interaction between aerodynamics and structural dynamics. Aeroelasticity models are based on physic hypotheses. When flight speed is in subsonic regime, the hypotheses of linear theories can be applied. However, as flight...

Privately secure algorithms involving only one trusted party

Private and Cheat-free Outsourcing of Algebraic Computations (Benjamin & Atallah, 2008) Assume that a data owner A has two n×n input matrices A and B and because of his limited computation resources cannot execute more than O(n2) computations nor the...

SPSS Correcting for Breakdown of Classical Assumptions

Cours SPSS Correcting for Breakdown of Classical Assumptions, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Boxplots Boxplots provide information on the differences in the quartile distributions of sub-groups of one variable, with the sub-groups being defined by categories of...

la place des méthodes algébriques dans l’analyse musicale au XXe siècle

La place des méthodes algébriques dans l’analyse musicale au XXe siècle Le rapport « réciproque » entre théorie et analyse musicale au XXe siècle Un regard rétrospectif sur les propositions théoriques majeures en matière de méthodes algébriques en musique et...


MODELISATION DU PROCEDE DE SOUDAGE PAR POINT General Methodology for Weld Simulation  A generalized principle and methodology of weld simulation is proposed by Ferrase et al.,[FER98-1], to study the thermal characteristics in mash seam process modeling. Different stages to establish...

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus Yang-Mills Matrix Theory Modern particle theories, such as the Standard model, are quantum YangMills theories. In a quantum field theory, space-time fields with relativistic field equations are quantized...

Knowledge Discovery in Biological Data

Knowledge Discovery in Biological Data Optimisation and Metaheuristics The optimisation problem is a kind of problems where an exact solution can't be found in reasonable time (Kann 1992). Optimisation is everywhere, such as aeronautics, biology, and economy. Optimisation has been...

Propagation de fronts structurés en biologie – Modélisation et analyse mathématique

Propagation de fronts structurés en biologie - Modélisation et analyse mathématique Equations cinétiques de transport-réaction  Le cas d’un continuum de vitesses Dans cet article en collaboration avec Vincent Calvez et Grégoire Nadin, nous étudions l’existence et la stabilité d’ondes progressives...


INFLUENCE DE LA TEMPERATURE SUR LES PARAMETRES ELECTRIQUES Capacitance voltage characterisation of poly si-sio2-si structures Dans cet article, les auteurs ont étudiés la caractéristique C-V en haute fréquence des condensateurs poly Si-SiO2-Si. Une extension des caractéristiques C-V haute fréquence connus...