Impact de la mesure de similarité en auto-apprentissage

Auto-apprentissage Dans l'auto-apprentissage (self training) [50] nous entrainons un classi_eur supervisé avec les données de DE. Ensuite ce classi_eur est utilisé pour prédire les étiquettes manquantes de DNE. Les données étiquetées avec un haut degré de con_ance sont ajoutées à...


In the past six decades, we have come a long way in the world of autonomous machines. Science fiction had placed robots in our homes in the year 2000. Even though we do not all own humanoid robots to help...

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs): basic concepts

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs): basic concepts In image analysis, one common idea between traditional approaches is that they all need to extract features in a separated way before applying another method for classification. A logical next step is to let...

Méthodes pour l’apprentissage semi-supervisé

méthodes pour l’apprentissage semi-supervisé Survol des approches d’apprentissage faiblement supervisé L’expression ’faiblement annotée’ peut paraître confuse, notamment dans le cas de l’apprentissage automatique. Comme le fait remarquer Zhia-Hua Zhou dans son article (Zhou (2017)), cette formule peut faire référence à...

Performance Evaluation Metrics and Spaces for Class Imbalance

Objectives and structure of the thesis: The main objective of this thesis is to design specialized classifier ensembles to address the issue of imbalance in recognition of faces from video in face re-identification application. This system must avoid bias of...

Learning features for Offline Handwritten Signature Verification

Biometric recognition technology is used in a wide variety of security applications. The aim of such systems is to recognize a person based on physiological or behavioral traits. In the first case, recognition is based on measurements of biological traits,...

The Proposed Approach – A Synthetic plus Variational Model

Still-to-Video Face Recognition Systems In a still-to-video FR scenario, there is typically one or more still image(s) to enroll an individual to the system while a set of video frames is available for recognition. Given one or few reference still...

Choix du langage de programmation et des librairies de developpement

Localisation des blessures La localisation des blessures d’auto-sectionnement est bien expliquee dans la litterature. L’ecrasante majorite se situe sur le haut du corps. Dans un article de Brunel, Fermanian, Durigon & de la Grandmaison (2010), 4 regions anatomiques sont suggerees....

Augmenting ensemble of early and late fusion using context gating

Emotion Representation Models of emotion are typically divided into two main groups, namely discrete (or categorical) and dimensional (continuous) ones (Stevenson et al. (2007)) Discrete models are built around particular sets of emotional categories deemed fundamental and universal. Ekman et...

Active appearance and shape models for tracking

Active appearance and shape models for tracking One of the problems with EdgeTrak is that it possibly fails when some parts of the tongue from previous frames are not visible in a rapid tongue tracking task. In such cases, error...