Effects of spatial boreal forest harvesting practices on efficiency through a benchmarking approach in eastern canada

Spatial organization Forest management planning involves the integration of silvicultural treatments, economic concepts, and ecological and social objectives that are present in an ecosystem. Planning is done hierarchically from coarse to fine scales through space and time, divided into strategic,...

Utilisation des matériaux géologiques issus des opérations minières dans les recouvrements

CEBC comme méthode de prévention et de contrôle du DMA Les CEBC constituent une des techniques utilisées pour la prévention et le contrôle du DMA en climat humide. Cette technique consiste à recouvrir les rejets miniers réactifs de plusieurs couches...

Augmentation récente de la croissance arbustive

Augmentation récente de la croissance arbustive  Les arbustes sont des espèces ligneuses et pérennes qui peuvent vivre jusqu' à plusieurs siècles. Au nord de la limite latitudinale et altitudinale des arbres, les arbustes constituent souvent la plus grande forme de...

Context of diversity-productivity relationship studies in boreal forests

The boreal forest in Canada  The boreal forest is the largest terrestrial carbon reservoirs representing 33% of the world’s forest lands (FAO, 2010). It stretches from Greenland to Newfoundland and across northern Canada into Alaska in North America (Bradshaw et...

Holocene climate history of the Nunatsiavut (northern Labrador, Canada)

Formation Holocene climate history of the Nunatsiavut (northern Labrador, Canada), tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Methodology Sampling Sampling in Nachvak fjord was carried out in November 2009 during leg4b of the ArcticNet campaign onboard Canadian Coast Guard...

Steady-State Regional Flow Model

Cours numerical modelling, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Domain description The domain represented by the numerical model corresponds to a two-dimensional projection of the conceptual groundwater flow model presented in Section 2.4 and corresponds to the geologic...

Forest description and harvest treatments in western Quebec.

Cours forest description and harvest treatments in western Quebec., tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. Materials and methods Study sites This study used 23 sites from a larger network established by the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune...