Exploration de la physique à deux dimensions avec des gaz de Bose dans des potentiels à fond plat

Exploration de la physique à deux dimensions avec des gaz de Bose dans des potentiels à fond plat

overv iew of a cold atom exper iment 

General features

Electronic structure of 87Rb Rubidium belongs to the alkali group and has a simple electronic structure. Lasers addressing its electronic transitions are easy to access, enabling cooling schemes as well as optical trapping methods. All these advantages make this atom a widely-spread tool in the cold atoms community. The electronic ground state of the atom is 2S1/2 and its first excited state has two fine levels: 2P1/2 and 2P3/2 . The transition 2S1/2 → 2P1/2 (resp. 2S1/2 → 2P3/2 ) is called the D1 (resp. D2) line and has a wavelength of 795 nm (resp. 780 nm). We are only interested here in the 2S1/2 and 2P3/2 states, that we use for our cooling scheme. Each of these levels experiences hyperfine splitting due to the coupling between the electron and the spin of the nucleus: the 2S1/2 level splits splits into four levels labelled from F 0 = 0 to F 0 = 3. The two hyperfine states of 2S1/2 are the ones in which we perform the interesting physics. They experience Zeeman splitting in the presence of a magnetic field B: the F = 1 state splits into three levels, labelled with mF = −1, 0, 1, and the F = 2 state splits into five levels, labelled with mF = −2, −1, 0, 1, 2. In the low magnetic field regime where the quadratic Zeeman shift is negligible, the displacement of the energy of each level is ∆E = µBgF mF B, with µB the Bohr magneton, and gF the Landé factor of the hyperfine state of interest. For F = 1 (resp. F = 2), we have gF = −1/2 (resp. 1/2). For magnetic fields around a few gauss, these displacements correspond to frequencies on the order of a few megahertz. All these features of the electronic structure of rubidium are summarized on Fig. 2.1, where only the relevant states are depicted. 


We use lasers with four different optical wavelengths to reach the quantum regime from a metallic sample, to trap them in a controlled geometry and to probe the properties of 2D samples.: • Two lasers at 780 nm to address the D2 line. They are used for the cooling schemes summarized in 2.2.1, and for the imaging of the cloud explained in 2.1.2. We use saturated absorption on a vapour of rubidium to lock the frequency of these lasers with a precision of a few hundreds of kilohertz

  • Two lasers at 1064 nm, red-detuned with respect to the D1 and D2 lines, to create conservative attractive potentials (see 2.2.1), referred to as optical dipole traps. • A laser at 532 nm, blue-detuned with respect to the D1 and D2 lines, to create conservative repulsive potentials and shape the final geometry of the cloud (see 2.2.2 and 2.2.3). • A laser at 790 nm, between the D1 and D2 lines, to perform Raman transfers between the two lowest hyperfine states of the atom, as developed in Chapter 3. 

Vacuum system 

The experiments are performed in a compact vacuum system where a high vacuum is maintained. All experimental steps are performed in a single rectangular glass cell with high optical access and dimensions 25 × 25 × 105 mm. In particular, the early cooling steps to prepare the atomic sample and the experiments performed on it are done at the same position, which prevents any technical difficulty due to the transport of the cloud between different regions of space. Using a glass cell also allows to have coils and optical elements very near the atoms and outside the cell. Having these tools near the atoms permits to reach higher magnetic fields and optical numerical apertures, and not having them in the vacuum cell is technically easier to develop. The glass cell is represented seen from three sides on Fig. 2.2, and as many elements as possible that are described in this chapter are depicted on these drawings. 

Magnetic fields

 The magnetic field in the glass cell has to be well-controlled in order to implement some of the cooling stages (see 2.2.1) and to control the energy splitting between Zeeman states of the atoms (see 2.3.1) and reliably address transitions between these states. There are several pairs of coils to achieve these tasks: • A pair of water-cooled coils in anti-Helmholtz configuration along the vertical (z) axis. They produce a quadrupolar field for our quadrupole magnetic trap with a maximal vertical gradient of 240 G/cm. • A pair of water-cooled coils in anti-Helmholtz configuration along the y axis. They produce a quadrupolar field for our magneto-optical trap (MOT) with a maximal gradient of 22 G/cm. • Three pairs of coils in Helmholtz configuration along the three axes, to create bias fields. The pair on the vertical axis (resp. horizontal axes) creates a maximum bias field of 2 G (resp. 1 G). These coils are located around the glass cell, but they are not represented on Fig. 2.2. The intensity is provided by power supplies (Delta Elektronika ES 030-5) with a relative intensity noise of 10−4 , which corresponds to a fluctuation of magnetic field of 0.2 (resp. 0.1) mG

Table des matières

1 introduction
i producing and man ipulat ing 2d bose gases
2 experimental set-up
2.1 Overview of a cold atom experiment
2.1.1 General features
2.1.2 Taking pictures of atoms
2.2 How to produce a uniform 2D Bose gas
2.2.1 Cooling atoms down to quantum degeneracy
2.2.2 Confining the gas in two dimensions
2.2.3 Creating a cloud with a uniform atomic density
2.3 How to control the initial state of the cloud
2.3.1 The internal state of the atoms
2.3.2 The phase-space density of the cloud and its temperature
2.4 Conclusion
3 implementat ion of spat ially-resolved sp in transfers
3.1 How to induce Raman processes on cold atoms
3.1.1 Elements of theory about two-photon transitions
3.1.2 Our experimental set-up
3.2 Raman transitions without momentum transfer
3.2.1 Measuring Rabi oscillations
3.2.2 Focus and size of the DMD
3.2.3 Local spin transfers
3.3 Raman transitions with momentum transfer
3.3.1 Calibrating the momentum transfer
3.3.2 Local spin transfers with a momentum kick
3.4 Conclusion
ii measur ing the f irst correlat ion funct ion of the
2d bose gas
4 theoret ical cons iderat ions on the f irst correlat ion funct ion
4.1 The first-order correlation function of infinite 2D systems
4.1.1 The XY-model and the BKT transition
4.1.2 An ideal gas of bosons in 2D
4.1.3 Interacting bosons in 2D
4.2 Developments for realistic experimental measurements
4.2.1 Exciton-polaritons and out-of-equilibrium effects
4.2.2 Cold atoms and trapping effects
4.2.3 Finite-size effects
4.2.4 Conclusion
5 prob ing phase coherence by measur ing a momentum d istr ibut ion
vi contents
5.1 Measuring the momentum distribution of our atomic clouds
5.1.1 Creating an harmonic potential with a magnetic field
5.1.2 Evolution of atoms in the harmonic potential
5.2 Investigating the width of the momentum distribution
5.2.1 Influence of the initial size of the cloud
5.2.2 Influence of the temperature of the cloud
5.2.3 Determining the first-order correlation function?
5.3 Conclusion
6 measur ing g1 v ia atom ic interferometry
6.1 Interference between two separated wave packets
6.1.1 Free expansion of two wave packets in one dimension
6.1.2 Free expansion of two wave packets in two dimensions
6.2 Setting up and characterising the experimental scheme
6.2.1 The experimental sequence
6.2.2 Measuring the expansion of one line
6.2.3 Measuring the expansion of two lines
6.3 Measuring the phase ordering across the BKT transition
6.3.1 Extracting the contrast of the averaged interference pattern
6.3.2 Results of the measurements across the critical temperature
6.3.3 Discussion and effects that may affect the measurements
6.4 Conclusion
iii dynam ical symmetry of the 2d bose gas
7 elements of theory on dynam ical symmetr ies
7.1 Symmetries of a physical system
7.1.1 The symmetry group as a Lie group
7.1.2 Linking different solutions of a differential equation
7.1.3 Linking solutions of two differential equations
7.2 Dynamical symmetry of weakly interacting bosons in 2D
7.2.1 Symmetry group of the free Gross-Pitaevskii equation
7.2.2 Symmetry group with a harmonic trap
7.2.3 Link between different trap frequencies
7.3 More symmetries in the hydrodynamic regime
7.4 Conclusion
8 an exper imental approach of dynam ical symmetr ies
8.1 Experimental sequence
8.1.1 The course of events
8.1.2 The measured observables
8.1.3 Some calibrations
8.2 Verification of the SO(2,1) symmetry
8.2.1 Evolution of the potential energy
8.2.2 Evolution in traps of different frequency
8.3 Universal dynamics in the hydrodynamic regime
8.3.1 Evolution with different interaction parameters
8.3.2 Evolution with different sizes and atom numbers
8.4 Conclusion
9 breathers of the 2d gross-p itaevsk i i equat ion
9.1 Experimental hints
9.1.1 Initial triangular shape
9.1.2 Initial disk shape
9.2 Numerical simulations
9.2.1 Initially triangular-shaped cloud
9.2.2 Initially disk-shaped cloud
9.2.3 Other initial shapes
9.3 Towards an analytical proof?
9.4 Conclusion
10 conclusion
a coupl ing two hyperf ine states w ith raman beams
b correlat ion funct ion of an ideal 2d bose gas
c deta ils on the interferometr ic measurements of g1
d deta ils on the scal ing laws of the 2d bose gas
d.1 Free Gross-Pitaevskii equation
d.2 Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a harmonic trap
d.2.1 General case: a variable trap frequency
d.2.2 Particular case: a constant trap frequency
d.2.3 Invariant transformations
d.3 Hydrodynamic equations
e publications
f résumé en français

projet fin d'etude

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