Lua Computational Time and Composition Time

Implementation Strategy Background The demand for tightly integrated modalities based upon immanent elements leads to the identification of two key design sites: Lower level components. Generic ‘meta-mechanisms’ rather than numerous features. Lower level components may be necessary to support tight...

The concept of guerilla marketing

Formation the concept of guerilla marketing, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. The effects of guerilla marketing on brand equity The example illustrated below discusses the practice of guerrilla marketing and the events surrounding the failed marketing ploy...

Using lua for audiovisual compostion

INTRODUCTION The contemporary digital artist can choose amongst  many software tools to express his or her idea. The Max family of applications (Max/MSP/Jitter [27], PureData [19], etc.) are popular choices for composing interactive digital media works because of the approachable...

Computational Audiovisual Composition Using Lua

Cours computational Audiovisual Composition Using Lua, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. ImplementationStrategy Background The demand for tightly integrated modalities based upon immanent elements leads to the identification of two key design sites: • Lower level components. •...

Cours Lua real-time multimedia composition using Lua

Cours real-time multimedia composition using Lua, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf. ABSTRACT In this paper, a new interface for programming multimedia compositions in Max/MSP/Jitter using the Lua scripting language is presented. Lua is extensible and efficient making...