Traditional project management research stream

Bombardier C Series The C Series was a product development project performed by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Bombardier. It was projected to be a quieter and lighter narrowbody commercial aircraft, consuming 20 % less fuel than its closest competitor...

A Critical Analysis of the Influence of the Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay on Present-Day West Africa

A Critical Analysis of the Influence of the Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay on Present-Day West Africa The Influence of Religions on Medieval West African Societies Hitherto, the beliefs and customs of West Africans is still center on the...

Social Movements in American Protest Literature

Social Movements in American Protest Literature SOCIAL THEORY AND ITS CONCEPTS IN CULTURAL STUDIES The relation between sociology and cultural Studies has been very intimate. For over 40 years, it has revolved around issues of theory and practice. From the...

Quelle prédictibilité pour les éruptions volcaniques ?

Quelle prédictibilité pour les éruptions volcaniques ? Foreshocks and aftershocks of eruptions  We investigate the properties of the seismic damage around eruption time. First we compare the damage around eruption with the one corresponding to classical tectonic seismicity in order...


Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) State-Society Relations Theory The role of the state or its centrality has over the years come under increased critique. As March and Olsen observe, “In contemporary theories of political science, traditional political...

Racial Identity in Claude McKay’s Home to Harlem

Racial Identity in Claude McKay’s Home to Harlem The Notion of Double Consciousness The Characters and the Illusion of Belonging The Civil war did not only pave the way to the end of racism in the United States, but it...

Définition du domaine des « mathématiques discrètes »

Définition du domaine des « mathématiques discrètes » Les mathématiques discrètes constituent une branche des mathématiques relativement jeune, sans définition conventionnelle partagée par les mathématiciens (Maurer, 1997). Plusieurs tentatives de définition du champ ont été proposées. Nous pouvons distinguer les...

La persistance du virus de l’hépatite E dans un élevage de porcs naisseur-engraisseur

La persistance du virus de l’hépatite E dans un élevage de porcs naisseur-engraisseur Population dynamics model The population model represents the population dynamics on a typical farrow-to-finish pig  farm managed according to a specific batch rearing system (BRS) (Cador et...


ÉVOLUTION DE LA VÉGÉTATION ET DES SOLS FORESTIERS À L’ÉCHELLE LOCALE Floristic inventories from 1972, 1991, and 2011 were available for 40 forest plots located in northeastern France. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and variation partitioning were used to determine the...

Stratégies d’accès et d’allocation des ressources pour la radio cognitive

The discrepancy between current-day spectrum allocation and spectrum use suggests that radio spectrum shortage could be overcome by allowing a more flexible usage of the spectrum. Flexibility would mean that radios could find and adapt to any immediate local spectrum...