Heterogeneous materials with evolving microstructure : constitutive modeling

Heterogeneous materials with evolving microstructure : constitutive modeling Models for porous media with dilute concentrations In this section, we will make an attempt to summarize the main issues of earlier studies made in the context of dilute porous media. We...

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus Yang-Mills Matrix Theory Modern particle theories, such as the Standard model, are quantum YangMills theories. In a quantum field theory, space-time fields with relativistic field equations are quantized...

Study of Some Inverse Problems for the Biharmonic

Study of Some Inverse Problems for the Biharmonic Numerical methods Trefftz method (TM) - Modified Trefftz method (MTM) The Trefftz method (TM) was first proposed in 1926 . The method can be classified as a boundary-type solution procedure. The main...

Description multifractale unifiée du phénomène d’intermittence en turbulence Eulérienne et Lagrangienne

Description multifractale unifiée du phénomène d’intermittence en turbulence Eulérienne et Lagrangienne De la théorie K41 au phénomène d’intermittence Un signal de vitesse turbulente, par exemple le profil spatial d’une composante de la vitesse (ux(x,y, z, t) = u(x) en fonction...

Transport électronique et Verres de Spins

Transport électronique et Verres de Spins  The Anderson localization in quasi one dimensional systems What is Anderson localization? In 1958 Anderson [111] proved that diffusion in random lattices can disappear due to the quantum interferences. For a three dimensional system,...


 PHOTOPILE AU SILICIUM A JONCTION VERTICALE PARALLELE SOUS POLARISATION ELECTRIQUE Les photopiles à jonction verticale  Photopile à jonction verticale durcie (Vertical junction hardened solar cell) [5] Dans cet article les auteurs ont fait la description d’une invention de cellule solaire...

The Psychology of the Oppressor and the Oppressed in Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970)

The Psychology of the Oppressor and the Oppressed in Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970) The Fallacy in the Leitmotif of Difference Ideologically, colonialism could not demarcate itself from political exclusivism which in its essence deprives the colonized of...


Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) State-Society Relations Theory The role of the state or its centrality has over the years come under increased critique. As March and Olsen observe, “In contemporary theories of political science, traditional political...

II Unifying, Understanding and Improving Bundling Techniques 

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Clutter Reduction for Node-Link Diagrams Bundling combines two concepts of Information Visualization: path drawing and clutter reduction. This chapter clarifies the main definition and concept for graph drawing and trails as well...

Synthèse et étude des propriétés de nanoparticules magnétiques de type cœur-coquille

Synthèse et étude des propriétés de nanoparticules magnétiques de type cœur-coquille Description des NPS  Les NPS faisant l’objet de cette thèse sont des assemblages plus ou moins ordonnés d’atomes métalliques possédant une taille de l’ordre du nanomètre. Leurs structures atomique...