Extrait du cours ingénierie de la qualité du système TI et la gestion de projets
L’ingénieur de qualité dans l’équipe de développement – l’ami ou l’ennemi?
- Engineering issues to consider
- Quality model vs life cycle model
- Quality requirements vs functional and non-functional requirements
- Quality design as the part of the overall design effort
- Quality measurement and evaluation as the part of life cycle
- Management issues to consider
- Process model
- Conflict management
- Financial and maturity constraints
- Risk management
- Continuous negotiations
Processus de gestion des risques
Quelques faits triviaux concernants les risques
๏Les sources de risques sont infinies
๏Chaque projet, peu importe son envergure, possède sa charge des risques
๏Deux catégories de risques:
❖non-prévisible (11.09.2001, un tremblement de terre)
๏Prévenir coûte moins que réagir
๏Risque au début du cycle de vie du système est plus probable mais coûte moins, donc
๏Il faut chercher, identifier et minimiser les risques si tôt si possible
Qualité et risque
Exercice 1
Analyser le diagramme sur le diapo précèdent et indiquer les places les plus susceptibles au manque des interventions d’ingénieur qualité
Plan de qualité: Software Quality Assurance Plan
2.Reference document
5.Standards, practices, convention, and metrics
6.Software Reviews
8.Problem reporting and corrective action
9.Tools, techniques, and methodologies
10.Media control
11.Supplier control
12.Records collection, maintenance, and retention
14.Risk management
16.SQAP change procedure and history
Content of SQAP -Section 3: Management
- Description of organization, tasks, roles and responsibilities
–see IEEE Std 1058 -1998
–Organizational structure that influences and controls the quality of software
–Organizational dependence or independence of SQA from developers.
2.Tasks – This section shall describe:
–Portion of lifecycle covered by SQAP
–Tasks to be performed
–Entry and exit criteria for each task
–Relationships between tasks and checkpoints, sequence of tasks
–Organizational elements responsible for each task
4.Quality assurance estimated resources
–Provide the estimate of resources and the costs to be expended on quality assurance and quality control tasks.
Content of SQAP -Section 4: Documentation
–Identify the documentation governing:
- The development, verification and validation, use, and maintenance of the software.
–List which documents are to be reviewed or audited.
- For each document listed, identify the reviews or audits to be conducted and the criteria by which adequacy is to be confirmed
–Minimum Documentation Requirements
1.Software Requirements Description (SRD) (e.g. IEEE 830- SRS)
2.Software Design Description (SDD), IEEE 1016.
3.Verification and Validation Plan, e.g. IEEE 829, 1012.
4.Verification results report and Validation results Report
5.User documentation, IEEE 1063
6.Software Configuration Management Plan (SCMP), IEEE 828.
–Other documents – may include the following:
1.Software Development Plan
2.Standards and Procedures Manual
3.Software safety plans (IEEE Std 1228)
Content of SQAP – Section 6: Software Reviews
- See IEEE 1028
1.Define Managerial and Technical reviews, walkthrough, inspection and audit
2.List the schedule of reviews and relationships to project’s schedule
3.How reviews and audits shall be accomplished
4.State what further actions shall be required and how they shall be implemented and verified
5.Minimum requirements:
6.Software Requirements Review (SRR)*
7.Architecture Design Review (ADR)
8.Detailed Design Review (DDR)
9.Verification and validation plan review
Content of SQAP – Section 6: Software Reviews (cont)
–Minimum requirements (cont)
5.Functional audits
- To verify that all requirements in the SRS have been met
6.Physical audits
- To verify that software and documentation are internally consistent and ready for delivery
7.In-Process audit
- To verify the consistency of design
»code versus design
»Interface specifications
»Design implementation versus functional requirements
»Functional requirements versus test descriptions
Content of SQAP – Section 6: Software Reviews (cont)
–Minimum requirements (cont)
- Managerial reviews
–To assess the execution of all actions of SQAP
- Software Configuration Management Plan Review
–To evaluate the adequacy and completeness of CM methods defined in SCMP
- Post-Implementation review
–To assess development activities and provide recommendations for appropriate actions
- e.g. User Documentation Review (UDR)
Qualité et pouvoir décisionnel
- Qualité sans pouvoir décisionnel n’existe pas
- Qualité dans la version “ingénierie” peut être perçue comme un grand “dérangement”
- Réalisation de l’ingénierie de la qualité peut demander en haut niveau de “people management skills”
- Fric, fric, fric…

Ingénierie de la qualité du système TI et la gestion de projets (916 KB) (Cours PPT)