Development and validation of tools for the structural design of wind turbine blades

In the beginning of his doctoral studies, the author had the chance to participate in the design of a 10 kW wind turbine. This turbine, was designed at ÉTS and manufactured in the course of a project funded by the...

Privacy-Preserving Framework for Smart Home using Attribute Based Encryption

Security and Privacy of Internet of Things (IoT) has become an important issue. Since IoT is becoming one of the most prominent trend in the current technological advancement, as the world is becoming inter-connected with the internet. IoT has influenced...

Building Information Model (BIM)

Building Information Model (BIM)  BIM is one of the most promising innovations within the building design industry and described using several definitions from different aspects. According to the National Building Information Modeling Committee (2018), BIM is a data-rich digital representation...

Review of existing measurement methods and systems

Review of existing measurement methods and systems Sound level meter and noise level meter  A sound level meter is a device used for acoustic measurements to assess noise or sound levels by measuring the sound pressure with a microphone. It...

La prothèse totale de la hanche

La prothèse totale de la hanche (PTH) Concept et fonctionnalité La prothèse totale de la hanche conventionnelle se compose, dans tous les cas, d’une coquille acétabulaire métallique fixée à l’os du bassin où la tête fémorale du fémur se retrouve...

Les caractéristiques d’un espace intelligent

Présentation d’espace intelligent  Un environnement intelligent ou un espace intelligent est une superficie limitée (une chambre, une maison, un immeuble, voire une métropole) capable d’acquérir et d’appliquer des connaissances sur son propre contexte entre les différentes entités (utilisateurs et/ou dispositifs)...

Effects of spatial boreal forest harvesting practices on efficiency through a benchmarking approach in eastern canada

Spatial organization Forest management planning involves the integration of silvicultural treatments, economic concepts, and ecological and social objectives that are present in an ecosystem. Planning is done hierarchically from coarse to fine scales through space and time, divided into strategic,...

Agnostic content ontology design patterns for a multi-domain ontology

In all private and government sectors, the semantic heterogeneity problem constitutes an important roadblock to organizations’ efforts to implement systems interoperability. Semantic heterogeneity originates from application systems designed with different vocabularies or data models within an enterprise. Systems interoperability represents...

Lua Object Oriented Packet Scripting

Background In this chapter we provide background information about the technologies used in this project. While there are several books, papers, and presentations explaining these technolo-gies in-depth, we provide some general information and point the reader to the different references...