Integration des véhicules électriques dans les réseaux électriques

Integration des véhicules électriques dans les réseaux électriques Major Changes in the Electricity Sector  Electrical networks emerged in the late 19th century. They were initially small local DC networks intended for public lighting only. Throughout the 20th century, electrical grids...

5G service requirements

The 5G technology coming in the near future refers to the fifth generation of mobile communication networks. It is being standardized by the 5G-PPP Architecture Working Group (until 2020) to be able to satisfy the ever-increasing traffic demand and to...

Benefits of GlobalFoundries 45RFSOI process for RF Switches

RF and millimeter-wave switches Radio Frequency (RF) switches are a critical building block in many communication systems. These devices can be used in a wide variety of fields, including aerospace, defense, automotive, military, networking & wireless infrastructure. RF switches are...

Topologies for Teleworker Connectivity

Topologies for Teleworker Connectivity Facilitating Remote Connections In Chapter 1, the discussion centered, very briefly, on teleworker architectures. Now that you are familiar with some of the available options, it is an appropriate opportunity to explore the concept further. Throughout...

Wireless sensor networks

Wireless sensor networks Wireless sensor network (WSN) has attracted much attention in recent years, and it has emerged as one of the most promising technologies for the future. They are used in many applications, where a close interaction with the...

Analytics Business Maturity Model As

Analytics Business Maturity Model As I stated earlier, Big Data Analytics is a journey and can be implemented using a number of iterative phases, each advancing the capability via well-defined yet small steps to reduce risk. The Information Agenda team...

Introducing Android Free and Open Source

Introducing Android Free and Open Source Android is an open source platform. Neither developers nor handset manufacturers pay royalties or license fees to develop for the platform. The underlying operating system of Android is licensed under GNU General Public License...

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics Data Privacy Protection I have banking/investment accounts with five major financial institutions. A major bank recently approached me to consolidate all my banking accounts with them. As we were going through the details, I was being asked...

Commande adaptative et gestion de l’énergie d’un véhicule électrique

Commande adaptative et gestion de l’énergie d’un véhicule électrique History of State-of-Charge indication For almost as long as rechargeable batteries have existed, systems capable of indicating the amount of charge available inside a battery have been around. In 1938 Heyer...

logiciel pour l’interopérabilité de la maquette numérique du bâtiment et de la simulation énergétique

Logiciel pour l’interopérabilité de la maquette numérique du bâtiment et de la simulation énergétique Enrichissement sémantique du standard IFC Si l’on se réfère à la hiérarchie KISS [116], on peut considérer que l’IFC ne traite pas le niveau d'interopérabilité sémantique....