Carbone organique à l’échelle d’un bassin versant agricole

Carbone organique à l’échelle d’un bassin versant agricole

Measurement of suspended sediment concentrations in rivers 

There are many different techniques of suspended sediment concentration presented by Wren et al. (2000) such as acoustic, bottle sampling, pump sampling, focused beam reflectance, laser diffraction, nuclear, optical and remote spectral reflectance methods. Only some methods from existing literature are presented as following: 

Water sampling 

This method is very simple and direct. We conduct the sampling manually or by automatic sampling then we filter the water through filter paper such as nitrocellulose filter (GF 0.45 µm) or glass microfiber filter paper (Whatman GF/F 0.7 µm). After that, the filter is dried in an oven and then weight in order to determine suspended sediment concentration (SSC). Glass microfiber filter can be burnt to analyse other particulate matters such as particulate organic carbon etc. 

Turbidity measurement 

This method is mostly preferred to measure continuously the suspended sediment in the streams (Gippel 1995; Sadar 2002; Downing 2005). Continuous records of SSC can be obtained simply and conveniently by monitoring the turbidity of the river water, provided there is a close relationship between fluctuations in sediment concentration and turbidity. Thus, it needs sampling of SSC for a large range of hydrological conditions (high flow and low flow). Turbidity can be defined as an optical property of a water sample, which measures the degree to which a beam of light passing through the water is absorbed or scattered. Turbidity can be measured by turbidimetry or nephelometry (Minella et al., 2008). The former measures the attenuation or absorption or a ray of light as it passes through a liquid medium and the latter measures the degree of scattering that the light undergoes. Scattering refers to the light that is reflected or refracted by the surface of a particle, and absorption refers to light that is transformed into other forms of energy (such as heat) upon collision with a particle.

  Acoustic method

 Short bursts ( ≈10µs) of high frequency sound (1 to 5 MHz) emitted from a transducer are directed toward the measurement volume. Sediment in suspension will direct a portion of this sound back to the transducer (Thorne et al., 1991). When the sediment is of uniform size, the strength of the back scattered signal allows the calculation of sediment concentration. The water column is sampled in discrete increments based on the return time of the echo. The backscattered strength is dependent on particle size as well as concentration. This method is advantageous for good spatial and temporal resolution and measures over wide vertical range and nonintrusive. However, backscattered acoustic signal is difficult to translate and the signal attenuates at high particle concentration.


 Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) method Various authors (Holdaway et al., 1999; Hoitink et Hoekstra, 2005; Dinehart et Burau 2005; Kostaschuk et al., 2005) have used ADCP method in their studies. This method is based on the same principle as acoustic method but used the profiler Doppler, dedicated initially to flow measurement. Indeed, the signal intensity gives information on suspended sediment concentration in water column by the sonar equation. This method is importantly advantageous to be capable of measuring the complete profile within the river cross-section rapidly. Yet, the calibration through sampling method is necessary to inverse the intensity Chapter 2. Suspended sediment, organic carbon transport and modelling signal in concentrations. The measurement can carry out continuously by using a senor type H-ADCP, installed permanently on the river bank. 


Method Nuclear measurement utilizes the attenuation or backscatter of radiation. There are three basic types of nuclear sediment gauges: (1) those that measure backscattered radiation from an artificial source; (2) those that measure transmission of radiation from an artificial source; and (3) those that measure radiation emitted naturally by sediments (McHenry et al., 1967; Welch et Allen., 1973; Tazioli 1981). The first two have the broadest applicability. In backscattered gauges, radiation is directed into the measurement volume with the radioactive source isolated from the detector by lead. A sensor in the same plane as the emitter measures radiation backscattered from the sediment. In transmission gauges, the detector is opposed to the emitter and the attenuation of the radiation caused by the sediment is measured and compared to the attenuation of the rays caused by passage through distilled water. The ratio between these measurements allows calculation of sediment concentration. This method has low power consumption and can measure wide particle size and concentration range but the sensitivity is low.

Table des matières

Introduction générale
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Context and problematic
1.2. Objectives
1.3. Thesis structure
Chapter 2: Suspended sediment, organic carbon transport and modelling
2.1. Origins of suspended sediment
2.2. Anthropogenic activities
2.3. Processes and mechanics of soil erosion
2.4. Detachment of soil particles by flow
2.5. Factors influencing soil erosion
2.5.1. Rainfall erosivity
2.5.2. Soil erodibility
2.5.3. Soil occupation
2.5.4. Topography
2.6. Channel erosion
2.7. Sediment delivery and transport processes in river
2.7.1. Concept of sediment delivery ratio
2.7.2. Mechanisms of suspended sediment transport
2.7.3. Movement and particle deposition
2.7.4. Empirical relationship between suspended sediment and discharge
2.7.5. Sediment dynamics linked to particle availability 26
2.8. Measurement of suspended sediment concentrations in rivers
2.8.1. Water sampling
2.8.2. Turbidity measurement
2.8.3. Acoustic method
2.8.4. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) method
2.8.5. Nuclear Method
2.8.6. Optical measurement
2.8.7. Laser measurement
2.9. Organic carbon transport
2.9.1. Global carbon and water cycle
2.9.2. Significance of organic carbon in rivers
2.9.3. The link between hydrological flow and organic carbon fluxes
2.9.4. Sources and origins of organic carbon
2.10. Overview of soil erosion and sediment transport models
2.10.1. Statistical models
2.10.2. Empirical models
2.10.3. Conceptual models
2.10.4. Physically- based catchment erosion models
2.11. Uncertainties of catchment model simulation
2.12. Synthesis of literature review
Chapter 3: Materials and methods
3.1. Study area
3.1.1. General description and location
3.1.2. Soil and geomorphology
3.1.3. Landuse and management practices
3.1.4. Climate and hydrology
3.2. Instrumentation and water quality monitoring
3.2.1. Sonde YSI and Ecotech preleveur
3.2.2. Calibration processes of Sonde
3.2.3. Physico-chemical parameters in situ and water sampling
3.3. Technical problems
3.4. Determination of suspended sediment and organic carbon
3.4.1. Filtration and determination of suspended sediment concentration
3.4.2. Organic carbon analysis
3.5. SWAT model selection and description.
3.5.1. SWAT water balance
3.5.2. Surface runoff
3.5.3. Evapotranspiration
3.5.4. Groundwater
3.5.5. Erosion and Sediment component
3.5.6. SWAT model input
Chapter 4: Dynamics of suspended sediment transport and yield in a large agricultural catchment, southwest France
Chapter 5: Fluvial transport of suspended sediment and organic carbon in a large agricultural catchment during flood events in southwest France
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Materials and methods
5.2.1. Study area
5.2.2. Instrumentation and sampling method
5.2.3. Data sources and treatment
5.2.4. SS concentration data and calculation of fluxes
5.2.5. Statistical analyses
5.3. Results
5.3.1. Hydrometeorology during the study period
5.3.2. SS, POC and DOC concentrations and relationship with discharge
5.3.3. SS, POC and DOC fluxes
5.3.4. Relationship among POC, DOC and hydro-climatological variables
5.4. Discussion
5.4.1. Temporal variability in SS, POC and DOC transport and yield
5.4.2. Discharge, SS, POC and DOC relationships and probable origins
5.5. Conclusion
5.6. Acknowledgements
5.7. References
Chapter 6: Assessment of hydrology, sediment and particulate organic carbon yield in a large agricultural catchment using the SWAT model
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Materials and methods
6.2.1. Study area
6.2.2. Catchment water quality monitoring
6.2.3. Determination of suspended sediment and POC concentrations
6.3. Modelling approach
6.3.1. The SWAT model
6.3.2. Hydrological modelling component in SWAT
6.3.3. Suspended sediment modelling component in SWAT.
6.3.4. Particulate organic carbon modelling
6.3.5. SWAT data input
6.3.6. Model evaluation
6.3.7. Calibration process
6.4. Results and Discussion
6.4.1. Discharge simulation and hydrological assessment
6.4.2. Suspended sediment simulation and yield
6.4.3. POC simulation and yield
6.4.4. Identification of critical areas of soil erosion
6.5. Conclusions
6.6. Acknowledgement
6.7. References
Chapter 7: General Discussion
7.1. SS, POC and DOC transport dynamics and modelling
7.2. Agro hydrological modelling using the SWAT model
7.2.1. Input data and sub-catchment delineation
7.2.2. Challenges in model calibration and evaluation
Chapter 8: Conclusion and perspectives
8.1. Conclusion
8.2. Perspectives
Conclusion générale
Annexe 1
Annexe 2
Annexe 3

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