A New Sociopolitical and Economic Perspective of African Immigration to the USA in 20th and 21st Centurie

A New Sociopolitical and Economic Perspective of African Immigration to the USA in 20th and 21st Centurie

The reason behind Africans’ commitment in immigration to US Referring to our former idea of African migration to Europe, we can argue that it is due to its political system of promoting immigration to attract and get new comers, in particular Black Africans. That system, in turn, enables them (Europeans) to defend the access to our resources in other words our weakness. Despite Africans’ awareness and resistances, European countries, however, have managed to achieve their goals: to govern African countries politically and economically. For instance, the CFA 28 currency of some Western African countries specially. Today, African leaders feel blocked to find out their own way of development and had made them deal hardly with any other economically powerful country. Soon these domination and by European people starts being felt and ended since most Africans started becoming at the stretch to understand the capacity of their strength linked to the potentiality of their mentality. They also realized that they are economically central elements of part of the world in particular European countries. Africa has seen the perfect image of white countries control over them. Furthermore, they felt that it is time for them to make their own choice of country where to move. Among targeted countries, we can cite the United States of America which came up with new promotion of bringing its contribution everywhere in the world and all people regardless of race, religion, and/or origin. Some of the US popular systems are the world widely spread of “the American Dream”, the “green card lottery” and contribution without any distinction in almost all African countries with peace establishment by installing 27 Dennis Prager is an American radio presenter from New York. This quotation is picked from his “Letter from Africa” published on Tuesday March 11, 2014. Column, a text written in the course of sixth trip to Africa. He trip focusses the best on African people than anything else. 28 The CFA (Colonies Françaises d’Afrique) is the exchange value directly linked to Euro, the official currency most European countries. 19 its US “Peace Corps” 29 in each of the targeted countries its armies known the “US Pace Corps settled in nearly everywhere in Africa and the world.

African immigrants and “The American Dream” 

When it comes to wonder what “the American Dream” is, we refer to Jesse Jackson30 who tried to bring a clear-cut definition by himself: “What is the American Dream? The American Dream is one” big tent. One big tent. And on that big tent you have basic promises: equal protection under the law, equal opportunity, equal access, and equal fair share”. Jesse by this idea meant, “The American Dream” is just like the sun that shines for all and enables everybody to target an aim in their lives. According to Pierre Jemima, the “American Dream” is first a process of “cultural” “erasure” 31 before being the “limitless opportunity for all” she concluded. In other words, “The America Dream” is a slogan that aims that everybody regardless of race, origin and religion can succeed in life starting with nothing. Despite being criticized by diverse critics, it cannot stop convincing and earning dreamers’ minds. What makes them interested in it is the speech of some anti-racist Americans who encouraged immigration denounce equal justice. For the US former President Obama “America is the sum of our dreams. And what binds us together, what makes us one American family, is that we stand up and fight for each other’s dreams, that we reaffirm that fundamental belief – I am my brother’s keeper.”32 These words of Barack Obama would clearly show a good consideration of black brother specially African Black and all immigrants living in US. “The American Dream” definition in the mind of American youth differ from that of the immigrants in the country. That what Aaron Sutton wanted to make clear in his words saying: Teenagers nowadays think growing up and becoming rich, and having nice cars and a hot wife/husband is The American Dream, but it’s not. Immigrants come here to have a shot at getting a job, just to be able to feed and clothe their family. To 29 The peace corps is a US sent citizens almost worldwide for maintaining peace and security on unstable territories. 30 Jesse Jackson is a black American and a civil rights activist who was leading his struggle together with Dr. Martin Luther King. He utter this when interviewed during their struggle against “economic injustice”. 31 Pierre Jemima in her article Letters p. 3 32 President Obama pronounced these words on December 14, 2016 during the annual “My Brother’s Keeper” event in Washington, DC. 20 me it’s the same way. I don’t care if I grow up to be an ordinary person, as long as I’m making enough of a salary to provide shelter, food, and clothes for v my family, I think I’ll be doing just fine.33 According to this authors, American teenagers’ views of the American Dream is all about having a lot money, a nice car and a beautiful wife or husband. However, it still looks relevant to wonder if the “American dream” is still alive, open and accessible to all the people regardless of civil identification. In fact, it is a “beacon light” 34 that guide those who are in the pursuit of “self-evident truth” known as [better] life, liberty and the brighter happiness. Therefore, it will be interesting to know that this dream seems not to belong all the people. The question that is to be asked is: These questions have been the purpose of many debates. Besides, they have not been ended with an end meaning finding a common response to each these questions. After a nice reading of some testimonial writings about whether the “American Dream” is a myth or an illusion we should take into account. 

 The “American Dream” as a reality

 To examine this part, we can state that the “American Dream” is a reality because the majority of the immigrants in the United States today have their own land. Owning indeed one’s own house in America helps you be freer and a self-employed person. In other word it is a lifetime saving. To be in the United States is not something that comes right after arriving in the America but need a long period of time. That is to say, it requires an immigrant to be imbued with patience untill the teeth, face hard and small job opportunities. For instance, we look at our African people who may be now owners of more than houses and hire tens of native Americans. Thus, we can defend the American Dream as a reality. However R. Capps, K. McCabe and M. Fix 35 implicitly explained the American Dream as not to be realized in America itself but in home country instead. This means they have their own “American Dream” place. 33 The of these words may not be popular or famous his saying seems to relevant to Mr. Stanberry who quoted it in his PowerPoint Work entitled English III, Semester 2. 34 Martin Luther King I the author of these words during his famous speech “ I have A Dream” pronounced in 1965 35 R. Capps, K. McCabe and M. Fix op. cit. p. 3 21 Another Reason why the American Dream is a reality is that almost all the job opportunities are accessible to immigrants, mostly African immigrants. When the immigrants “escaped” from poverty, joblessness and misery, most of them have precise goals: become strong, to work harder and save their families in need and their countries from poverty. They are self-mercenaries and feel obliged to reach their objectives that is mainly to have a lot money, come and rescue people in need. And, generally when they enter the United States, they start embodying their individual projects by studying and get high levels to be admitted to luxurious firms and enterprises: it is their sociopolitical approach. Some people who came illegally but who are illiterate persons will directly tackle their job plans (peddling or making some bike cabs for driving people or guide to the important sites of the country tourists). Right after, they deal with their integration process that consists of embracing and adopting the American lifestyle and the nation’s common goals by surely maintaining the old culture and identities that is to say their country’s reality (culture in particular your “Africanity”). For Pierre Jemima the “American Dream” first means “to love” yourself. She meant to get “the American Dream” is a question of being proud of oneself. And the same idea has been defended by Whoopi Goldberg, she herself is “the American Dream” since she has of being “epitome of what American Dream basically said36” added the author. Other immigrants with job profile like tailors or sewers, restaurant keeper etc. In fact, these two ladies use the social approach to highlight African immigrants’ way of handling “the American Dream” without any certification will just need a permission from the administration of the States in which they live in. Those systems, as a result, enable them to shape diverse ways to run after their main purpose. Another thing is very important and interesting to rise: it is solidarity. That latter was born from their cultural celebration, an event that opposes a total embracement of the American culture. For, this can be an obstacle to their success by losing their Africanity. According to Pierre Jemima “if they choose to remain « ethnic », the possibilities for success are endless.” 37 Therefore, their connection to the American life is just a way to an acceptable background that enables them to live with problem. That is what could rescue one another in matter of finding employment. When someone finds a job opportunity, he or she will do 36 Whoopi Goldberg is a black American woman. She is an actress, singer-song writer and a comedian. She is part of those people achieve in the “American Dream”. She gave her opinion of the “American Dream” when asked to share her thoughts. 37 Pierre Jemima, Black Immigrants in the United States and the « Cultural Narratives » of Ethnicity, Page 151 22 all his or her utmost to help his or her folks get it. This kind of union exists not only to race but also black Africans ethnicity. African immigrants in a word see their culture as a real key to reach “the American Dream” and conserve their culture value with pride. To wrap it up, the “American Dream” can be definitely a reality. Another social approach that African immigrants would dress to integrate “the American Dream” is studies. The education of immigrants especially Africans advanced education is another outstanding that can foster us to say the “American Dream” is a reality. Once in college they bear in minds that they are “here” for hard work and not eternity but to study and face their “dreams”. Many of them then have a good education and high degrees to be enough interested by recruiters of job posts. Besides these students bring some other jobs along with their studies with which they meet their needs and send a part of the money they earn to their families. In addition to what have been talked, there will be no negative effects after all of these efforts since they have a clear control of their lives. To sum up, we posit that the “American Dream” is a reality. It (the American Dream) is only in immigrants mostly African immigrants. The African Americans’ failure is in fact the symmetric of black African immigrants. That is actual reason why they represent a threat to their success and as result they declared foes to each other. The African immigrants are the ones that can bring the “American Dream” in reality in spite of their originality. Nevertheless, we can also notice the American Dream impossibility and fake. It can be a myth as well.

The Illusion of the “American Dream” 

When time has come for us to talk about the negative aspects of the American Dream in black people’s lives, we usually think of the natives and the African Americans and not the black immigrants. Since they are the population that is trapped the most by the other side of “the American Dream” and in many context contrary to the African immigrants who start with integration process then they welcome any job they encounter in their lives. According to these African Americans, the American Dream should not recognize anyone but a US citizen as it is defined in the Oxford dictionary 38 in which it is said to be “the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination”. However, it is important to show that a great number of immigrants who are as trapped by “American Dream” as African Americans. Either these 38 It is a model dictionary in which we found the a definition of “the American Dream” 23 people are generally those who have entered the country illegally or with a temporary visa that may not allow them to work and earn a wage. In the economic approach of African immigrants, we will firstly put into evidence the integration phase of African immigrants. In fact, their integration process remain to be stable. They are more in trouble than the ones who came in by legal way. Undocumented black immigrants do not have enough money to buy or own a house and a car due to their status of joblessness. Sometimes they just live from hand to mouth and sometimes they feel even penniless. As a result, they most of the time beg in the streets; especially those who do not have any families or family members or even relative to receive a help from or be taken in charge. Their situation is even worse than that of African Americans in the US as Pierre highlighted through her book. Referring to these types cases above, we can sum up that American Dream can be seen as an illusion or just a dream. Job opportunities issue is another reason why the “American Dream” is an illusion. Due to their profiles and their status, the black immigrants are not compatible to job opportunities unless they borrowed allowed-documentation from their acquaintances via an arrangement. Either they are badly paid back after work by documentation owner or the employer and worse again they cannot denounce any civil status rights for it since they arranged for just surviving. They are not permanently accommodated because there are many people of the same case. That is to say, they need to make quick room reservation to be accepted by house owner. Owners of many lands or houses in the United States always do these gestures. For instance if you refer to the film of Wild Smith’s “the Pursuit of Happiness”, He and his wife got divorced because he was extremely poor. He was so poor that his wife left him and their son; he and his son were having the same accommodation. In conclusion, we can also posit that the American Dream is an illusion In the educational field, we can assert that they are far from being well educated due to their social situation. They are not as well educated as those who got high from luxurious Universities and colleges and schools. The big difference between the haves and the havenot is another issue known to all. The problem is fundamentally rooted in the government. They are not able to pay for their children a high-level education. 24 Consequently, they are obliged to be self-made people. As an illustration we can refer to a time in the popular film by Wild Smith, “the Pursuit of Happiness” 39 where he (the protagonist himself) was not able to pay on his little child’s education and afforded to bring him with him wherever he made for. To conclude, the “American Dream” can be interpreted as an illusion and cannot be true in the eyes of these people. In health care context, they are not insured because of the way they have gotten enter the United States of America. They have little access to medical care, nor have they the right to struggle for any medical help from the state or the government. As a result, many of them become bums and cannot do anything in life but drinking in deserted old houses. Some are deadly hit by starvation and do not benefit of any rescue mostly if they are alone. This is in particular the source of many suicides cases. For instance, it has been reported that 400 policemen kill themselves every year in the US40. Today there are many black African immigrants in the USA who want to come back to home but are able to save money for their flight ticket. The Green Card is generally defined as document that identifies anyone who come to live permanently in the United States. Therefore, it is mandatory for non-native to live in the country having with them the green card in his or her pocket. The green Card owners and natives are considered evenly in so far as the non-immigrants’ rights and duties are legally fulfilled. It is in that respect that Africans are highly interested in immigrating to the United States. For a good understanding of this issue, we will firstly be attempting to find out the whereabouts and the law of the green card issue; secondly, the different procedures to get the green card in the lottery; and thirdly the Africans’ choice of immigrating to America via the green card lottery promotion time.

 Origin of Green Card Lottery or Permanent Resident Status (PRL)

 First, the term green card is derived from the color of the document itself. It is the real name written in the form I-151 when you read or apply for it. In fact, this color of the card stayed unique untill 1964 before including or swifting to other colors like white for intance in 2006. 39 Wild Smith is a black African American who displayed a true struggle of what “the American Dream” is and to fight to reach it. 40 the information are provided by https://www.thebalance.com/exploring-the-problem-of-police-suicides974877 : a website that study the number of policemen and policewomen suicides. 25 By the way, this change of color is for further security of the system from being hacked. If the system security is safe enough, this can enable hackers to break the document different components or can facilitate the making of fakes. As a result, the government reputation in matter of computing can be threatened and can make them lose their worldwide rank. In other words, it is a duty and an obligation for them to provide more efforts to step forward to maintain their level. However, it is important to think about the rules of getting this precious document of the United States. 

The Green Card Lottery and its Rules

 In spite of being a country of democracy, the American law gives more rights to its citizen than the permanent residents. Furthermore, these non-natives are obliged to show their green card whenever they are asked. In other word, they are to get it in pocket everywhere they go. Otherwise, they may be considered as an illegal resident in the country and be arrested untill seeing the proof of his or her legacy or be brought back home. The green card is an indispensable ID card for any non-native person if she or he has gotten it. Only are native people asked when the event of the September 11, 2001 came out and this is required by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This is even practiced in buses to whoever is a citizen, the permanent resident or/and visa holder. It is just because the green card is made and delivered by INS of the Department of Home land Security known today under the name of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).43 Another important point about green card is that getting it does not mean to be a citizen because it is impossible for a non-native to be citizen without spending at least five (5) years in the country. It is after then that one can ask for a naturalization process to be a US citizen. In the eyes of some people, it looks even forbidden to reveal that one is a citizen by only holding the green card. This totally reveals the complexity of becoming a US citizen. To get the USA green Card, you need to be defended by a lawyer of the domain.  The Department of Homeland Security is one of the fundamental sensible part of the USA nation that mainly aims to secure the country from threats and instabilities, especially from foreigners. 43 Being a staff for immigration service, USCIS is a government agency that take care of legal immigration to the United States. The naturalization is also its other function for the US government. more information can be found in https://www.uscis.gov/aboutus 26 and complicated as well, especially if you do not have anyone who guide you. Besides, the least mistake can make you lose the document because the staff in charge of it is very skillful in matter of checking documentation. Basically, three main steps to run for this goldish green card are to be born in mind: In the initial application or recommendation, USCIS can accepts the recommendation letter written by a member of your family or your hirer. The employer should explain and justify that there is none in the country he thinks can do the job of the applicant. The hirer needs to prove that the wage of the employee or applicant has no effect on those of American citizen living in the region. Here, there should be a clear distinction of the applicant income from those of the other employees in the region administrations. Most of the time, the lawyers are the ones who take control of the situation. This is due to the obstacles encountered by the process of running for the green card. Because of the slightest mistake, you will have to begin again and to pay a fee for guidance of these lawyers; and this is too expensive. Indeed, the hirer finances it himself/ herself or the family member if the applicant has, but rarely the applicant himself or herself and the lawyers’ team in charge of it might be paid up to 2000 dollars. Nevertheless, it is possible to get the green card through one of your family member who has a US citizenship by marrying her. In fact, this becomes easier in so far as the person could be first a very close member in your family, second he should be recognized by the USCIS and be given an immigrant number. But, the problem is that it may be in long term (meaning years and years) for every year immigrant security numbers may vary according to their origins or countries and the changing process of some countries list of immigrants may take too much time to be done. So the applicant whose members have immigrant’s number are not concerned with this case or are free of any charge. But when it comes to deal with that of an immigrant who does not have any acquaintance is obliged to follow a set of steps or rules to be considered as real legal migrant in the country. In the first step, he/she needs to be closed to his/her employer who is supposed to fulfill an immigrant petition form that will soon be signed and sent to administration where it is destined to be. This step is for getting a temporary legal immigrant status in the country. In fact, with this document, he/she can legally work or get a job to meet his/her needs. But, if he/she (the immigrant) wants to leave the country for another, he/she should ask for permission of a period of time from the authorities. Because, it is the authorities that allow the applicant to go out when he/she would like to. 27 Then, the applicant in this logical step, upgrade from a temporary immigrant to a permanent immigrant status after getting his/her immigrant security number. In a whole this part will last at least a year meanwhile the previous documents be ready to be analyzed by authorities and validated as well. This step is carefully done to make sure the applicant will not have any problem in case of being in need by the state or the country. In other words to make easier his/her identification wherever he/ or she will be in the country. During the examination of the applicant documents, he/she will need to pass by hospital for medical certificate to ensure he/she is not addicted or has no dependence to drug effects or any mental illness. This document is therefore very important, useful and essential to them. Another fundamental and interesting point is the finger print issue of the applicant by the FBI to take control of their target custom in case of criminal issue.

Table des matières

Chapter I. The US as New Destination
I. The reason behind Africans’ Commitment in Immigration
1. African Immigrants and “The American Dream”
1.a. “The American Dream” as a Reality
1.b The Illusion of the “The American Dream”
2. Origin of Green Card Lottery for Permanent Resident Status (PRS)
2.a. The Green Card Lottery and its Rules
2.b. African Involvement in the Green Card Lottery
II. The Steadily Increase of African Demography in US
1. Data Basis of African Immigrants from 1980 to 2009
2. The Demographic Analysis of the Data Basis
Chapter II. The Integration Process of African Migrants in the United State
I. Africans’ Acculturation and Adaptation in US
1. Acculturation Step
2. Adaptation Stage
II. Africans and Naturalization or Americanization
1. The Requirements to Be Eligible for American Naturalization
2. The Follow up by the Country Administration
Chapter III. The impacts of African migration on Africa
I. The Positive Effects on the Original Countries
1. The “Economic boom” of African Immigration
2. Sociopolitical and effective globalization
II. The Disadvantages on the Motherland Africa.
1. The Economic collapse of African immigration
2. The African immigration sociopolitical downfall



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